During Office Hours

Please report repairs to our office at 171 York Road. This can be done by:

  • Telephone 028 9077 3330.  Phones will be answered on weekdays 9.30 to 1.00 and 2.00 to 4.30.  Staff will need:
    – your name, address and phone number,
    – details of the repair needed, and
    – suitable times for workmen to call.
  • By email: info@groveha.org.uk


Outside Office Hours

You can leave a message on Grove’s answering phone outside office hours. Again, it would be helpful if you would provide:

– your name, address and phone number,
– details of the repair needed, and
– suitable times for workmen to call.


Emergency Repairs Outside Office Hours

If you need emergency repairs or advice about a repair and it cannot wait until Grove’s office is open again, phone Radius Connect 24 on Telephone:

0800 731 3081

Radius Connect 24 will contact our repair contractor, who will contact you.

Please do not ask contractors to come to your home unless the repair really cannot wait until a normal working day.