Responsibility for the direction and policy of Grove Community Housing Association rests with the Board of Management. Permanent Board Members are shareholders of the Association and are elected by shareholders at Annual General Meetings.
Shareholders of Grove Community Housing Association are entitled to do the following:
- Be informed about and attend Annual and Special General Meetings.
- Put forward resolutions to be considered at these meetings.
- Be nominated for election to the Board.
- Nominate others for election to the Board.
- Vote on resolutions and in elections at these meetings.
- A minimum of 10% of the shareholding membership may sign a request to hold a Special General Meeting for a particular purpose.
Adult individuals, groups or societies may apply for shares, which are limited to one per person or group and cost £1.00. Each application will be carefully considered by the Board and whilst bearing in mind the interests and independence of the Association, the Board will not unreasonably withhold membership.
Membership of the Association ceases when a Member dies, withdraws or is expelled from the Association. In such cases, the Member’s £1 share is cancelled and the money becomes the property of the Association.
If you are interested in becoming a shareholder, please contact Grove and ask for an application form.