Our community based Housing Association has a small stock portfolio of homes to manage and allocate from the Common Selection Scheme.
We are delighted to report that we have returned to development works and look forward to investing in much needed homes in the area, to households registered on the waiting list. Our Development Agent is Choice Housing Association, and we look forward to benefiting from their wealth of experience.
The Association were pleased to receive final confirmation from the Northern Ireland Housing Executive that supported the types of homes needed. We anticipate to be on-site in 2022 and will commence construction works for 24 new homes:
12 no. 3P x 2B houses 7 no. 5P x 3B houses 5 no. 3P x 2B WCH Bungalows
A lot of time was invested engaging with the local community and representatives to support people in housing need, particularly those with disabilities, to come forward and have their needs assessed.
We have appointed Hall, Black Douglas Architects and we are currently at the design and planning stages of the Scheme. We will shortly be going out to community consultation and look forward to hearing your views. More details on this to be released soon.