Welcome to our first publication of “The Grove Gazette” Thanks to our tenant Chloe for the name suggestion – we look forward to receiving your feedback and hope you enjoy your read and we hope to see you soon at our fantastic line up of events.
This Anti-Social Behavior animation aims to tackle ASB and promote good neighbourhood relations. The key messages of the film focus on advocating positive behaviours amongst tenants of social housing schemes that will in turn lead to more settled, connected, and safer neighbourhoods, whilst also reducing the cases of ASB reported to housing associations. If you […]
Grove Community Housing Association hosted the Housing Policy Panel meeting today. The Housing Executive presented an excellent presentation to the Panel and there was input from the Department for Communities. and Supporting Communities.
Some of Grove’s staff, tenants and a Board Member attended the Supporting Communities very first All-Ireland Tenant Engagement Conference yesterday. The Conference showcased involved tenants, leading housing professionals, and policymakers who care about tenant involvement from across the island of Ireland and learned what works, what doesn’t, and how to take tenant participation to the […]
Proposed cuts to funding social housing in Northern Ireland are likely to hit the most vulnerable with “so many people in crisis”, a housing association has warned. The Department for Communities faces a 16% cut in day-to-day spending. This could mean cutting the number of new social homes built this year from 2,000 to 1,400. […]
Please be alert to cost-of-living support payments scams. If you would like more information visit the NI Direct website
This booklet has been designed to help you reduce costs within your home and signpost you to sources of support if you are struggling financially. If you are a tenant of a Grove Community Housing Association we are always here to help so if f you are concerned about a financial matter such as paying […]
Grove has been shortlisted for a CIH Award in the ‘More than Bricks & Mortar’ category. Fingers crossed we are as successful at winning this year as we where last when we won the ‘Excellence in Housing Innovation’ category.
Households in Northern Ireland will receive a single non-repayable payment totalling £600 to help with their energy bills, regardless of how they heat their home. The payment is made up of the Energy Bills Support Scheme (£400) and the Alternative Fuel Payment (£200), and will be provided by the UK government through electricity suppliers. The […]
Opening times for Grove’s Warm Space Hub is Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9.45 to 1.00 and 2.00 to 4.30 each week during the winter months so why not pop in for your free hot drinks, food & snacks. The other 3 Warm Space Hubs close by are: Duncairn – Warm […]
Why not join the staff at the Community Garden to help decorate this year’s Christmas Tree. There will be an opportunity for all the children to write their special Santa letters. Everyone welcome, refreshments to be provided. Date: Friday 2 December 2022 Time: 3.00pm onwards
GCHA would like to invite all residents and family members to join in welcoming Santa to the Grove area. Santa & his Elves will be leaving GCHA’s office at 6.30pm, proceeding round the local streets before finishing up at the Community Garden. Children are all welcome to pay Santa a visit just to make […]
Grove’s office is now open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Everyone is welcome to pop into our new lounge area where you can get a nice warm cuppa, use the internet, watch TV or just chill out and meet with friends and neighbours.
Grove’s Tenant Engagement Strategy for 2022-27 is now available to view here If you would like a printed version of this document please contact the office on Tel: 028 9077 3330.
Grove’s Annual Review for 2021-22 is now available to view here If you would like a printed version of this document please contact the office on Tel: 028 9077 3330.
North Belfast Advice Partnership is now based in Grove Community Housing Association on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays. They provide free advice on benefits, debt and housing, as well as crisis intervention food parcels across North Belfast. To speak to an advisor you can either drop into the office on Tuesday mornings between 9.30am and […]
The Statutory House Sales Scheme which Grove operates will close to new applications at midnight on the 27 August 2022. This reflects the Housing (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 2020 passed by the Northern Ireland Assembly on 30 June 2020 and given Royal Assent on 28 August 2020. To be clear the scheme will […]
If you’re experiencing domestic abuse then you are not alone, & specialist support services are available to help you break free from the cycle of abuse.
The Statutory House Sales Scheme which Grove operates will close to new applications at midnight on the 27 August 2022. This reflects the Housing (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 2020 passed by the Northern Ireland Assembly on 30 June 2020 and given Royal Assent on 28 August 2020. To be clear the scheme will permanently and […]
Grove Community Housing Association was proudly awarded the CIH Excellence in Housing Award for its their project “Safe Homes, Happy Homes” – Innovative tech solutions for safe services.
Our community based Housing Association has a small stock portfolio of homes to manage and allocate from the Common Selection Scheme. We are delighted to report that we have returned to development works and look forward to investing in much needed homes in the area, to households registered on the waiting list. Our Development Agent […]
The House Sales Scheme for Tenants of Registered Housing Associations is due to end from midnight on 27 August 2022. A factsheet released by Department for Communities, covering frequently asked questions regarding the ending of the scheme, is available here. If you would like more information please do not hesitate to contact your Housing Officer.
Following a recent Tenant Satisfaction Survey we have produced a document showing a breakdown of responses. This survey results breakdown is available here.

Please enjoy this short booklet that documents the events and projects Grove CommunityHousing Association organised and held for its tenants during 2019 and 2020. Although both busy years with a lot of unforeseen global events to contend with, GCHA strove toensure residents felt heard, safe, involved and part of their local community. Here’s to offering even more […]

NI Water is calling for urgent action from everyone to reduce their water usage immediatelyfollowing an amber warning for heat. Please reduce unnecessary use to protect supplies. If everyone simply uses the waterthey actually need, there will be plenty for everyone. Due to the hot weather and people holidaying at home, demand is outstripping supply.We […]
Grove is working with the City Council, the Housing Executive and local politicians to bring forward a scheme for 24 social housing homes on the former Grove Primary School site on North Queen Street. Whilst the details are not all settled, things are looking positive for this to go ahead.

Grove had been looking at the land it owns between Ritchie Street and Ivan Street and secured funding from Belfast City Council and the Alpha Programme to create a community garden on both an open paved area and on a grassed area between the terraces. Groundwork NI was the consultant for the scheme. The funding […]

Grove Housing Association was formed in 1977 and to commemorate this the Association has produced a booklet titled “Our First Forty Years”. Grove’s Chairperson, Mr Philip Oliver, says in the foreword: “I am delighted to present this special publication which charts the history, progress and achievements of this organisation through the decades. I trust that for those […]